Wednesday, November 15, 2017

A very different Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving Greetings to all:

It has been a very emotional and busy 8 months for our family, we had to sell the family farm, and relocated our parents to the city in a much smaller place near us.

Then Dad's Alzheimer's/ Dementia has sped up he is now in a Nursing home and mom is living alone for the first time in her 74 years of life.  Taking care of dad got to much for her, his hallucinations and not sleeping it was a hard choice but it was for the best.

Each one of my siblings and their family's have decided to celebrate their own way this year. Some with mom some of us with our own little families or just leaving town.

Dad will be visited as he always is, somehow he is comforted even though he does not acknowledge us.

We each have our own way of preparing ourselves for what is coming with our parents.  it is very difficult for my son he is the first grandson of my parents, and he did not have a father growing up so his grandpa was his father figure.  

Please be safe this Thanksgiving Holiday and Love and hugs to all of your families.

from my heart

To my husband's Ex wife, I am writing this letter to you, from my heart to yours with compassion, so I hope that in your awareness you o...