Tuesday, January 23, 2018

just rambling trying to fighting sadness

Some days I have so many thoughts going through my mind.

I waken each morning with thoughts of dad, seems each time I see him he is different in one way or another. My last visit he didn't know me, was very quiet (which anyone who knows dad knows he is quite the talker). he looked so feeble, and tired. he didn't even try to get up. When he did speak it was so quiet and it was jumbled. I tried not to cry I just looked away, and got up and hugged him tight.
My husband tried to get him to smile and nothing. This lewy body dementia is horrible, it has taken a strong, talkative Christian man and dragged him down to a shell of a man, who can barely walk, who makes no sense when he talks, but overall he is still kind and concerned about others.
He is now on pureed food, and thick drinks to keep him from choking.  He don't know when or if he is thirsty so he gets dehydrated easily and his legs swell. Which is not good, because everything in your body needs hydrated to work properly. I pray for daddy to go peacefully, hoping he is not in pain. its just so hard.

Recently my husband reached out to his 18 year old daughter who has been alienated from him for the last 4 years she lives in Oregon and we are in Missouri, he sent a card and a letter. Nothing.
I encouraged him to keep sending her cards and letters, this has been going on for two months now. still nothing. she keeps all her social media locked down tight. and wants nothing to do with him.
I have seen my husband cry several times over the last few years, because of this crazy situation he is in. Courts can not help she is 18, she can make her own choices. Which is fine, We wish her well.
 but I worry, she means the world to my husband, and he is slowly giving up hope of a relationship with her.
At least he has my son and his family,  I know they are not his flesh and blood, but he thinks the world of them. very proud of their accomplishments.

Its just aggravating knowing someone who was married to this horrible woman who would go above and beyond to try and keep him out of his daughters lives. She filed for divorce and bought him a plane ticket back to Kansas to stay with his mother.
all while he was recuperating from bypass surgery, can you say B*%#@.
Then when he is safely landed and settled in, she tells him she has been seeing someone else for awhile, even while he was in surgery for his bypass she was with this jerk.
It is hard for me to fathom someone that evil and conniving. She slowly turned his daughters against him. why couldn't she just let it be? She is a parental Alienator. She is not a victim. he is.

KARMA is due in OREGON.

from my heart

To my husband's Ex wife, I am writing this letter to you, from my heart to yours with compassion, so I hope that in your awareness you o...